Wednesday, August 29, 2007

One more book to look inside ...

Okay, it is time to "blame" Lisa Samson ...
She has one of the best lists of blogs to visit -- and my own "blog-marks" list grows and grows and grows!

So, here is another blog to visit:

Read it -- all of it. I love her style of writing. She tells about finding the TV remote in her purse while in the store fishing for her wallet, she tells about her "Griffith men" folding their socks "just right" and what she is doing when not trying to park her van straight ... and then she tells about some brownies that are up for grabs.

I really shouldn't tell you about that. You see, I want those brownies. LOL.

I do not NEED them. My dear wonderful husband doesn't NEED them either. But he adores brownies. I don't bake. Especially brownies because neither of us NEED them. But he would be really surprised and amazed to find a box of them on the kitchen table when he gets home from work one night and then when I tell him they're all for him ...

But, I'll be nice (oh, sure, let someone else win the brownies, dummy -- you'll HAVE TO bake them now!) and tell you to visit this link to see inside the book you need to read to win the brownies:

Getting hold of the book and reading it in time is up to you. I'm hoping you are a slow reader and can't find the book just yet (but will find it and read it eventually) -- because while I'm "nice" I'm really not that nice. I want those brownies for hubby. :-)


Added 09/01/07, 12:22 AM:

Okay, TURQUOISE was a wonderful book; YOU HAVE TO READ IT! NOW!

In it, Marilynn mentions BLONDIE BROWNIES which are my hubby's favorite. So, I think that means I actually have to bake this weekend! Anyone got a fab recipe for Blondies???


Kay Day said...

I have nominated you for an award. Go to my blog and see!

upwords said...


Thanks so much for sharing about Turquoise. And those brownies are sounding good to me too. Hmm... off to search for a lighter version.

thanks again,